Lecture downloads are available on our site: 

Look for the videos to accompany the handouts soon.

Session I:  Thursday, June 24, 2010  Starts at 7 PM sharp! Intro first then:

June Co-Speaker:  Leah Potoczak
Time:  7:15-7:45 PM
Topic:  The Principles of Perseverance
Info: We all want to be successful home educators, but how does one do that?  Learn the basic principles to keeping on toward the goal.  It means all the difference between joyfully sprinting past the finish line, through to the Winner's Circle full of adoring fans; or dragging your exhausted self across the line, barely in tact. This is a great introductory lecture to jump start our Speaker Series at HOPE.  And be sure to bring your homeschool principal-as their help and support is vital. 

Session II:  Thursday, June 24, 2010

June Co-Speaker:   Sheri Hagemann
Time:  7:45-8:15 PM (fellowship there after until 8:45 PM)
Topic: High School Headache or Help? What You Need to Know About Documenting the Experience 
Info:  Transcripts, ACT/SAT testing, GPA and all that jazz. What do you really need to document, what will colleges be looking for and how does one do all this anyway?  Where does one go to get all this information and more importantly-how does one not loose their marbles trying to be the "Jack of all trades"?  Find out how do all that and relax because it is not as hard and scary as you may think.  You do what Dori the fish in Finding Nemo chanted, "Just keep swimming." and you'll be amazed where it takes you!

Please Note:  We love children-but....

The Speaker Series is meant for adult enrichment.  We ask that you do not bring children to the meeting, out of respect for the lecturers, and audience. Please have in-home child care arranged for the evening.  

If we are hosting a family event, obviously-children will be more than welcome.  Look for those special events under the Family Fun tab (future endeavor).